Robin extends Agility, Efficiency and Portability of Kubernetes to All Applications, even complex Big Data, Databases, AI/ML and Custom Apps, on Any Infrastructure, On-Premise, Hybrid Cloud or Multi-Cloud
Robin Cloud Native Storage is an application-aware container storage that offers advanced data management capabilities and runs natively on any Kubernetes distribution including OpenShift, GKE, PKS, EKS, and AKS. Robin Cloud Native Storage delivers bare-metal performance and enables you to Protect (via Snapshots, Backups), Secure (via encryption), Collaborate (via Clones and git like push/pull workflows), and make Portable (via Cloud-sync) any Stateful application that is deployed using Helm Charts or Operators.
Robin Cloud Native Platform enables you to run any enterprise application, including ones not architected as microservices, natively on Kubernetes. Robin Cloud Native Platform combines the power of Robin Cloud Native Storage with a Super-Operator framework to deliver 1-click deployment and 1-click lifecycle management simplicity for any enterprise workload such as Cloudera, Hortonworks, Oracle RAC, Splunk, SAP HANA, etc You can use Robin Cloud Native Platform to create an internal app-store like experience for any application on any infrastructure (Baremetal, VM, AWS, GCP and Azure).